Think Before You Go

Promoting informed decisions about migration among young people in Viet Nam

The Think Before You Go campaign is part of the Tackling Modern Slavery from Viet Nam project - an interagency partnership initiative working with Vietnamese Government and local actors to realise their potential to reduce individual and community vulnerabilities to modern slavery including human trafficking. Under the prevention pillar, the campaign applies a Behaviour Change Communication approach, with a focus on engaging aspirant migrants and their parents across Viet Nam, with particular focus on the central provinces of Nghệ An, Quảng Bình, and Hà Tĩnh :

  • Understand the meaning and the risks of irregular migration, human trafficking and modern slavery;

  • Perceive these risks as relevant to them and their families and feel capable of taking protective actions;

  • Recognize the value of investing time and money in vocational and educational opportunities in Viet Nam that increase their potential to meet their employment goals and aspirations domestically and abroad.

  • Practice behaviours to make informed decisions about migration and/or pursue alternative livelihood options.

The project’s Facebook page Nghĩ trước Bước sau (Think before you go) acts as an interactive hub for safe migration information for aspirant migrants, including countries where Vietnamese can migrate to, average costs, lengths of contracts, average income, what skills are needed, etc. with videos, infographics and resource contact info.

Services provided

  • Developed a Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) strategy for a campaign that was implemented across five priority provinces;

  • Delivered a BCC capacity building training for community partners;

  • Produced creative briefs to guide the development of media content for the campaign;

  • Developed a community outreach handbook of interactive activities to engage stakeholders in the topics of safe migration and human trafficking prevention.