Tayo Alerto

Building the resiliency of communities at risk of trafficking and exploitation in the Philippines

Tayo Alerto was a Trafficking in Persons (TIP) prevention campaign that was implemented in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) by IOM Philippines with technical and creative support from Sage + Spark and associated partners. The Tayo Alerto campaign was implemented with support from the Global Fund to End Modern Slavery.

The campaign reached over 2 million people by sharing content through two-way communication via Facebook, radio and community events.

In accordance with best practices in Social and Behaviour Change Communication, we wanted the campaign to promote a positive, united approach to TIP prevention. Variations on this name meaning ‘Alert together’ were presented and voted on at a stakeholder planning meeting and ‘Tayo Alerto’ was selected.

A participatory approach

The campaign model followed that of IOM X, using a participatory evidence-based approach.

Baseline research was carried out with 599 people across BARMM to inform the overall project, with specific questions related to TIP knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, as well as media access and consumption. An online participatory planning workshop was then held with stakeholders to present a consolidated regional campaign approach and get feedback on branding and content plans

The campaign was launched on July 30th, 2021 after a week-long countdown on the campaign Facebook page with a live radio program to align with World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. 

A selection of content under development was shared with stakeholders for feedback and also tested with members of the primary and secondary target audiences

Content, including infographics, a music video, radio spots and animated explainer videos, were distributed across Facebook, radio and community events, and at airports in the region.

An endline KAP survey was conducted to assess impact.

Services provided

  • Delivered a SBCC capacity building training to IOM staff;

  • Created a campaign plan and strategy, including baseline information, impact monitoring methodology and activity schedule;

  • Identified and onboarded partners and managed the creation of content for the campaign;    

  • Provided technical support to local stakeholders in implementing campaign activities;

  • Supported the facilitation of internal and multi-stakeholder validation workshops to review and finalize the contents and delivery plans for the campaign;

  • Directed the dissemination of the campaign content through a variety of platforms;

  • Developed  the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan for the campaign activities;

  • Supported the drafting of the monitoring report on the campaign, describing impact, reach and audience feedback on the initiatives and by different modes of dissemination.